Edinburgh | Linlithgow | 0131 370 9209 - rebecca@rebeccaholmesphotography.com
Mentoring for driven, passionate business owners
Helping you to grow a successful, profitable and ENJOYABLE business without the overwhelm!

Are you just starting out in business, but are totally overwhelmed with ALL the things?

Perhaps you've been at it for a while but are totally stuck in a rut, showering yourself in regular bouts of imposter syndrome, comparisonitis and 'shoulds'. 

Maybe work-life balance is your idea of a joke - so you need to find a way to make this business-thing easier, or kick it to the curb. 

Let me help. I work with driven, passionate folk to build profitable, enjoyable businesses WITHOUT the overwhelm. 

I'll be your guide, helping you set goals and build a sustainable marketing plan (that you actually LIKE - yes, it's possible!). I'll be your 'kick up the butt' when you need some accountability to get stuff done. But I'll also be your shoulder to cry on, and your cheerleader. This is about creating a business that feeds your soul, not sucks the life out of you. 

OK, so what's this all about?

Building a business is a HARD and isolating job. I get it. I've been through the impostor syndrome, the not charging my worth, the client struggles, the marketing mistakes... The pesky self-doubt!

Left on your own, it's easy to become overwhelmed. Spending your life either procrastinating and achieving nothing - or running in too many directions and burning out.

So don't do it alone.

As your mentor, I can give you all the kindness, compassion, understanding, accountability, clarity and 'kicks up the arse' you'll need to build a successful and SUSTAINABLE business... The kind of business that feeds your soul rather than sucks the life out of you.

Yeah, but how does it work?

DEFINE - I'll help you define exactly where you want (and need) your business to go - in a way that works FOR you. This isn't just superficial stuff. 

PREPARE - We'll actively work on your self-development to ensure you're equipped with the personal tools you need in order to create the business of your dreams.

TARGET - We'll set achievable goals together, with just enough challenge to excite you about the next steps. And no, not just business goals, but a good mix of business, life and self-care goals. You can't have a successful business if you're stressed and run down.

FOCUS - Together we'll create a specific, detailed action plan, prioritising and planning each step. Including a marketing strategy that doesn't make you want to vomit. Yes, it's totally possible to love your marketing. 

IMPLEMENT - I'll hold you to your action plan! You are going to take the action steps because I'll HOLD YOU TO THEM! Whether you need a gentle nudge or a full-blown 'arse-kicking'... There'll be no more to-do lists left undone. 

EASE - I'll bring all my compassion, kindness and warmth to give you a holistic approach to business. I'll integrate my years of experience as a holistic therapist into everything we do, ensuring at all times we're looking after ALL of you, not just business-you.

FUN - I'll bring PLENTY of laughs. Whether your jam is funny dog memes, Monty Python or fart jokes.... I'm there for ALL of that.

I'll do all of this with the kind of support and nurturing you'd expect from a dear friend.

When, where and how? 

You can choose to book a one-off session to cover a specific topic, or you can book into my yearly programmes. The yearly programmes run for at least a year, but can continue beyond that if needed.

Mentoring sessions are usually held on Zoom, though if you're local it can be nice for the first one to be held in person over food and a drink (and cake... of course cake).

Sessions are held at a time to suit you, usually within business hours, although some evening appointments are available.

Year-long programmes start with a full business review and goal setting exercise, to pave the way for an amazing year of progress. Each session after that is a mix of update, accountability, strategy, goal setting and training.

What will I get out of it?

  • True accountability - none of this 'haven't-done-the-work-but-she-won't-care' stuff... I WILL care
  • A focus on implementation - you are going to take action because I am going to MAKE YOU!
  • Clarity of direction - knowing where you're headed and why
  • A pace personalised to you and your life - it's got to be achievable, right?!
  • Clear and achievable goals and LOTS of support to achieve them (plus a huge celebration when you do achieve them - and you will!)
  • Measurable increase in business success
  • A holistic view of your business and life - making sure the two are working in harmony
  • Plenty of laughs, probably cake, and a fan for life.
Rebecca Holmes

Who am I and what do I know?

I'm Rebecca. I'm an award-winning photographer, a photography trainer, business mentor and marketing strategist. I'm also a mum, a try-hard gardener, musician, foodie and a lover of great Scottish gin.

I'm an Aussie who fell in love with a Scot and settled in sunny (ha!) Scotland where I now raise my three daughters.

In my life, I've owned and managed several businesses – in the creative arts, hospitality, holistic therapies, IT and finance. Essentially, I'm an action taker and change maker with a wealth of experience!

A list of stuff I'm good at... Change management, process improvement, project planning, marketing strategy, coaching, talk-therapies, neuro-linguistic programming, holistic kinesiology and pulling funny faces (just in case that's ever what you need). 

My aim as a mentor is to be the kind of good friend who listens beautifully but isn't afraid to point out if you're making a mistake or kick you up the arse if you're procrastinating...Put nicely - I'm hugely supportive but also appropriately challenging! 

The key for me is that your mentoring experience is holistic! Great business - great life... You can't have one without the other.  Your business should work FOR you, giving you the income and fulfilment you crave, without making your health and lifestyle suffer.  

I get SO much joy out of watching my clients confidently create the businesses of their dreams. 

Let's create some magic. 

Business Mentoring Pricing

Rebecca Holmes Family Photography

One off mentoring sessions

90-minute 'power-session' on one aspect of your business. This could be goal setting, marketing strategy, adding a new service, running a new campaign, hiring your first staff members, creating some focus and direction - whatever you need to move you forward.  


Rebecca Holmes Family Photography

Align & Thrive: Monthly Mentoring plan

An initial 90-minute session where we review your life and business, and plan how best to use our time together. This is followed by eleven monthly 60-minute mentoring sessions over the rest of the year, working through our plan.

We cover whatever you need to align your life and business and thrive as a business owner - photography technique, editing, marketing, self-development, business management and more. 

If you're interested, get in touch for a no-obligation chat so you can see if we're a good fit. 
