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How can you use branding photography?

Why branding photography is so much more than headshots

When you think of branding photography, you tend to think of those face-to-the-camera headshots you see all over LinkedIn. Now don’t get me wrong, headshots are great! But they’re just the tip of the branding photography iceberg. And having the full spectrum of branding photography can transform your business. But how can you use branding photography?

Just imagine having a bank of quality images transforming your social media and website. Images showing real customers enjoying your products or experiencing your services. Shots that tell your brand story in a frame, breaking down barriers and building that personal connection with your customers. Imagine the credibility it would give your brand, and the perceived value it would add to your services. Headshots are a great start, but the possibilities for full branding photography are endless.

As a branding photographer in Edinburgh, I always work closely with my clients to help them get the full benefit of their branding shoot with me. Here’s just a few ways you can use your branding photography to take your business to the next level.

Branding photography that tells your brand story

Headshots are usually pretty static. They show your face, but give very little insight into who you are or your overarching brand vision.

The biggest opportunity with having a full branding shoot is you get to tell your brand’s story. You can show your personality, highlight your customer relationships and the customer experience, show your products, introduce your team. A full spectrum branding shoot can paint a clear, well-rounded picture of where you’ve come from, who you are, and what’s important to you as a company.

And creating this positive, relatable public image is a huge first step in establishing a strong brand. Because in the eyes of a customer, you’re no longer just a single static headshot. You’re a living breathing team, with goals, a history, and a whole host of happy customers. It makes you real, and three dimensional. And it positions you as a company they feel they know and trust.

Branding photography for social media

One of the best uses for branding photography is social media. Instagram alone has 500 million users every day. Facebook has almost 2 billion. And a strong social media presence can help you tap into that unfathomably large customer base. But if you want to grow a loyal following, you need to regularly post new, exciting and interesting content. And how long can you keep posting headshots before people lose interest?

Having a wide range of branding photography allows you to keep your posts varied and interesting, whilst maintaining a professional-looking page/grid. You’ll have a bank of high-quality images to choose from, giving you the flexibility to adapt your focus as your business grows. Whether it’s product photos accompanied by glowing customer reviews, an insight into your brand story or a ‘meet the team’ post, there are so many opportunities to connect with your clients and strengthen your brand in the minds of your customers.

And the variety in content will keep your feed interesting and fresh. And having a slick, cohesive grid populated with professional photos will set you apart from the competition.

Professional product photos for image searches

Pinterest facilitates more than 5 billion searches a month. And 38% of all SERPs (search engine results pages) contain images. Suffice to say, image searches online have a vast amount of buying potential. And if you’re selling a physical product, you don’t want that ‘Facebook Marketplace phone photo’ aesthetic, do you?! You want your products to look good!

So if you’re selling a physical product, you need professional branding images that do your products justice. And from a buyer’s perspective, this element of professionalism can often be the difference between scrolling past and adding to cart.

Showing the customer experience

Social proof is such a powerful marketing tool. Because people believe other customers above all else. It’s why we always check restaurant reviews before we make reservations, or check Amazon reviews before we buy a product. And having branding photography that shows customers enjoying a product or experiencing your services can be a marketing masterstroke.

But I’d say the best thing about this is that it gives your customers the chance to see other people enjoying it, and imagine having it themselves. And from a buyer’s perspective, once you’ve imagined yourself having something, you’re reluctant to give it up. So images that take customers from idly browsing to imaginary ownership is a massive step.

Fill your website with professional branding photography

Your website is your online shop front. And each page of your website should have its own purpose, and its own goal in your overall branding strategy. Travel in your mind’s eye through your website. What kind of photos would you want to reinforce the message of each page? How would they tie into the copy? And most importantly, how would they get the personality, story and ethos of your brand across?

Of course, it’s great- essential, even- to have a professional looking headshot to introduce yourself and give your company a face. But what about the rest of the website? And please don’t say stock photos. You’re better than that.

Having a whole website filled with professional images that slot perfectly in with the intent of each page will make your brand look professional, successful and credible. They’ll reduce your bounce rate and increase conversion. But most importantly, they’ll combine to give your website a recognisable, clearly defined branding aesthetic that will take root in your customers’ memories.

Looking for a branding photographer in Edinburgh?

There are so many ways you can use professional branding photos to elevate your brand and take your business to the next level. And just like a slick website and recognisable logo, professional photos are an essential investment for any business. And when you invest in branding photography beyond just headshots, you set your brand apart from the competition, and lay the foundations for the successful future of your business.

As a branding photographer in Edinburgh, I’d love to work with you to create quality images that tell the story of your brand and help you connect with your ideal customer base. Before our branding photography session, we’ll meet up for lunch or a coffee and have a really good chat about your brand, your company ethos and your dreams for the future of your business. So when your session comes around, we can create images that will help you take your business to where you want it to be.

If you;d like to work together on your branding photography in Edinburgh or any of the surrounding areas, I’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch today and let’s have a chat about how we can work together.