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What is brand photography? Why do you need it?

Heard of brand photography but have no idea what it means?

You're not alone.

I sometimes feel that brand photography is a bit of a buzz-phrase amongst photographers, but that in reality, very few business owners really know what it means. Brand photography is an experience, it's WAY more than just a set of professional headshots. 

The other day I had the pleasure of chatting with my friend Victoria Rose from Flaunt and Flourish about what brand photography is, and why it's so beneficial for all entrepreneurs and business owners.

But first - what is a brand?

While trawling the internet, this was the best definition I found, thanks to Ignyte.

"A brand is the way a product, company, or individual is perceived by those who experience it. Much more than just a name or a logo, a brand is the recognisable feeling these assets evoke."

So… Your brand includes;

Your business mission, values, purpose, tone of voice, strategic objectives, personality… The way you make your customers feel.

What is brand photography?

Professional brand photography is the art depicting a brand, through the medium of photography. It is creating imagery which 'shows-off' a brand to potential customers. Brand photography tells the story of who you are, what you do and why you do it, and in doing so it will attract your ideal clients and make you sales.

Brand photography is THE way to get noticed and stand out in your business, while reducing overwhelm, ending procrastination and saving time. Together we craft a full set of beautiful images which will represent you and your business. The images will tell your story, show your potential clients how your services work, and attract them to purchasing from you.

After a professional brand photography session, you'll come away with a set of professional images ready to use on your website, in marketing materials, blog posts and in social media. 

With my brand photography experience (a FULL experience, which is way more than just a photoshoot) you'll also come away with;

  • Clarity on your brand, which will make your marketing SO much easier
  • A social media plan, to get you started on your journey
  • FILM! I've recently added brand film to my offering… With so many platforms now favouring films and videos, adding this to your brand experience is a complete no-brainer. You'll have a business 'show reel' which go a long way to helping clients get to know, like and trust you.
  • A selection of branded graphics for you to use to boost your social media game.

Why do you need professional brand photography? 

  1. As a business owner the one thing you're short on is time... Right? The last thing you need is to have to trawl through boring stock imagery to find some that represent who you are. After a brand photo shoot you'll have a bespoke set of images tailored to you! You can use these images on your website, in print and on social media. No more wondering what to post – you'll be bursting to post your photographs!
  2. It will enhance your online presence, helping your customers to get to know, like and trust you by selling the story of who you are in an authentic and consistent way. We know that consistency breeds trust – and you need trust in order to sell your services. 
  3. The process itself clarifies who you are and what you stand for, which makes it much easier for you to market yourself. 
  4. It makes your business look and feel more professional!

How does professional brand photography work?

Each brand photographer will be slightly different but with me, this is how your brand photography experience will work;

  1. If you're interested you can book an initial discovery chat to see how I can help, and whether we're a good fit. We'll meet on zoom and have a good natter about where you're at with your business and how I might be able to help. 
  2. When you're ready, you can book in easily and quickly via an online booking service
  3. Once booked in, we will setup a meeting, usually over lunch/brunch or coffee and cake. At that meeting we will work through my brand workbook. This will help you to clarify and identify what makes up your brand, what makes you unique, who your ideal clients is, what your content marketing strategy is and what sort of visual elements you need for your business. But don't worry if you've never done this before and it all sounds a bit daunting!! Don't let that stop you! I'm there to help you through the whole process! [All of my clients say working through the brand workbook was hugely helpful even without the photographs!]
  4. Next, I go away and let all the ideas we've come up with percolate and form into the beginnings of a plan for your photography session.
  5. Then we schedule a call/meeting (usually a zoom call) to talk through the plan, addressing any gaps and working out all the details. This includes planning; outfits, locations, props, other people needed and much more. And don't worry if you don't have a clue about this stuff – I'll keep us on the right track. At this meeting we have an opportunity to work through any gaps and make sure we're both 100% prepared for your session.
  6. The day of the shoot! This is always a relaxed and fun event... Always! Please don't worry if you're shy in front of the camera – I'm a recovering photo-avoider myself, and pride myself on my ability to make it calm, fun and easy. I'll never leave you wondering how to stand or what to do – I'll look after you every step of the way. 
  7. A day after the session I'll share a sneak preview of the day for you to share.
  8. Over the course of two weeks, your images are edited and then presented in an online gallery. You'll be able to download them at full resolution (for print) and web resolution (for online use)
  9. Once you have your images we'll have another meeting to discuss how to use each of the types of photos – I'll help you with anything from resizing to scheduling to placement... I want you to enjoy using the images we worked hard to create! No more stock images for you!
  10. After your session I don’t just disappear - I’m there for support and guidance any time!

Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for personal brand photography, or a large business requiring professional brand photos, get in touch so we can have a chat about how I can help your business to thrive!

Interested in photography for your business but have no idea where to start? Head over to my Complete Guide to Brand photography, Business Portraits and Headshots in Scotland.

Here's my video with my dear friend Victoria;